Earlier this morning I shared news about NPR’s Student Podcast Challenge that starts in January. While NPR does provide some good guides for students and teachers to use to plan podcasts, those guides don’t include tutorials on specific podcast recording and editing tools. If you’re thinking about having students create podcasts either for NPR’s contest or for any other purpose, take a look at the podcasting tools tutorial videos that I have embedded below.
Two Simple Podcasting Tools
If you’re new to podcasting and want to get started as quickly as possible, I recommend trying either Anchor.fm or GoSynth. Both are very easy to use and you could be recording in less than five minutes from the time that you register on their respective sites.
Two Robust Podcasting Tools
If you use Anchor or GoSynth for a while, you’ll eventually want more editing features to make your podcasts sound a bit more polished. Or perhaps you’re not afraid a little steeper learning curve at the start. In either case you can’t go wrong with GarageBand or Audacity.
Microphones for Podcasting
You could use the internal microphone on your computer, tablet, or phone. You’ll get a better sound quality if you record with an external microphone. There are two microphones that I use and recommend. The first is the Snowball ICE Microphone from Blue Designs. For a much cheaper option I use and recommend this three pack of lapel microphones for $7.