Here’s the Latest Thing I Learned About Myself Through Google Alerts

Like any good digital citizen I have Google Alerts set up for my name and related spellings of my name. Over the years I’ve learned through Google Alerts that there are karate experts, children’s authors, voice coaches, and theater critics who are also named Richard Byrne. Yesterday, I made a new discovery about “myself.” That discovery is that I was once a professional wrestler who lost a match to King Kong Bundy.

In the summary of Google Alerts that I received yesterday there was a link to an article about the passing of King Kong Bundy. The end of the article stated, “In his very last bout, he defeated Richard Byrne on Dec. 5, 2017.” For the record, I have never set foot in a professional wrestling ring, but when I was a little kid I would have loved to.

Watch this video to learn how you can create Google Alerts and learn fun things about yourself.


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