Questions to Ask When Planning a Classroom Video Project

Making videos can be a great way to get students excited and invested in the process of researching a topic and presenting their findings for others to see. But before you dive headlong into a video project with your students take some time consider the following questions as you plan the project.

*Planning questions to ask yourself.
-What do you want students to demonstrate?
– What is your knowledge of the creation process?
– What is your students’ level of knowledge of content?
– What are yours and your students’ skills in writing, research, editing, assembling?
– How much time can you allot to this project?
– What are your skills? (Tip, do the project yourself from scratch)
– What are your students’ skills?
– What kind of equipment do you have at your disposal? How often can you access that equipment?

And once you have answer these questions don’t forget to have students create a storyboard as part of their creative process.

The Australian Centre for the Moving Image has an excellent overview of storyboarding for beginners. The ACMI overview of storyboarding includes suggested activities for learning how to create storyboards. Included in those activities is a storyboard template that beginners can download and duplicate. Watch this video from the ACMI for an explanation of what a storyboard is an how it is used in the video creation process.

If you don’t want to use ACMI’s storyboard template you can make your own in PowerPoint or in Google Slides. Watch my videos embedded below to learn how to use PowerPoint and Google Slides to make printable storyboards.

How to create a storyboard template in PowerPoint.

How to create a storyboard template in Google Slides.


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