How to Create a Google Earth Tour – Updated Web Version

The web version of Google Earth has been available for more than two years now. Over those two years it has lagged behind the desktop version in terms of feature availability. That is starting to change now that Google has finally added the option to create tours in the web version of Google Earth. This new option lets you create a series of multimedia placemarks in projects in the web version of Google Earth. Projects are automatically saved in your Google account. Like most Google products, project collaboration is available in Google Earth. Watch my new video to learn how to make your first project in the web version of Google Earth.

The web version of Google Earth is catching up to the desktop version but it still doesn’t have the option for students to narrate their tours as they can do in the desktop version of Google Earth. That’s one of the things that I cover in my Google Earth & Maps – It’s More Than Just Social Studies.


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