Three Free PD Webinars Today!

The Practical Ed Tech Creativity Conference starts this afternoon at 3pm ET. There is still time to register here. Today’s presentations and times are listed below.

Easy Ways to Make Your Own Apps
3pm ET – Richard Byrne
Not that long ago creating a mobile app required extensive coding skills and knowledge of programming. Today, there are many tools that make it possible for educators and students to develop their own functioning apps without any prior programming experience. Come to this presentation to learn how you and your students can develop simple apps to use on your phones or tablets.

3D Printing Solutions to World Issues
4pm ET – Jeremy Rinkel
With an emphasis and focus on the UN Sustainability Goals, students were challenged to create prototypes or products that would be beneficial in assisting communities and countries in reaching the UN Sustainability Goals. Our first year of 3D printing has brought challenges, but we are learning a lot through problem solving and design. I’ll discuss our journey into 3D printing, the excitement of students in learning about “real-world” challenges and how 3D printing could play a role in solving these issues. Take ideas from our experience, make them your own and help save our world one 3D print at a time.

Coding + Drones= 100% Engagement
5pm ET – Karin Knapik-Cloutier
Create multidisciplinary projects that teach students coding as well as the 4 C’s of critical-thinking,creativity, collaboration and communication. Using TELLO drones and free apps that run on IOS, Android and as a Chrome extension you can teach coding to students in elementary through high school.

Yes, the presentations will be recorded. The recordings will be available on my YouTube channel by the end of the week.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!