The Week in Review – The Most Popular Posts

Good morning from Maine where the April showers and wind arrived in earnest on Thursday and didn’t stop until late last night. Thankfully, it looks like today will be a nice day for playing outside and doing a bit of spring yard work. The governor of Maine issued a stay-at-home order this week so playing in the yard is the extent of our travel for a while. I’ve never appreciated having a backyard more than right now. I hope that wherever you are that you can get outside a bit this weekend too. After a week of online teaching and learning we all need some fresh air.

These were the week’s most popular posts:
1. Now You Can Use Flipgrid to Make Screencast Videos
2. Learn How to Use These 5 Time-saving Gmail Features in 2020
3. An Option for Making Sure Students Know They Have Google Classroom Assignments
4. Create Video-based Lessons a Little Faster With This Chrome Extension
5. Schedule Individual Online Office Hours Meetings via Google Classroom
6. A Map Coloring Challenge
7. How to Create Simple Videos on a Chromebook – No Apps or Extensions Needed

Online PD With Me!
I’ve been hosting professional development webinars for a decade. My most popular webinars are available on-demand right here. If you prefer live webinars, I am planning to host some in April so stay tuned for more information about those soon. And I’m always available to schedule custom, online PD for your school.

Thank You for Your Support!

Other Places to Follow My Work
Besides and the daily email digest, there are other ways to keep up with what I’m publishing. 
  • Practical Ed Tech Newsletter – This comes out once per week (Sunday night/ Monday morning) and it includes my tip of the week and a summary of the week’s most popular posts from
  • My YouTube Channel – More than 18,000 people subscribe to my YouTube channel for my regular series of tutorial videos including more than 350 Google tools tutorials. 
  • The Practical Ed Tech Podcast is where I answer questions from readers, share news and notes, and occasionally talk to interesting people in education. 
  • Facebook – The Facebook page has nearly 450,000 followers. 
  • Twitter – I’ve been Tweeting away for the last twelve years at
  • Instagram – this is mostly pictures of my kids, my dogs, my bikes, my skis, and fly fishing.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!