“Why Do We Have Fall?” – A Post Inspired by My Daughter


“Why do we have fall?” That was the question that my four year old asked while we were walking in the woods yesterday.  It was a good question (she’s full of good questions these days) and I tried my best to explain that different times of the year have more or less sunlight which makes the plants grow or “hibernate” (a concept she’s learned from National Geographic’s All About Bears). When she’s a little older we’ll worry about covering more of the details. In the meantime, if you have elementary school students who are wondering “why do we have fall?” here are a couple of good little videos on the topic. 

Why Are There Seasons? from SciShow Kids is a good video lesson about seasons. The video is appropriate for students in primary grades. 


Reasons for the Seasons is a TED-Ed lesson appropriate for upper elementary and middle school students. The lesson explains the relationship between the shape of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, the Earth’s tilt on its axis, and how those affect the amount of sunlight on different areas of the Earth.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!