New Seesaw Feature – Add Your Voice to Objects

Seesaw recently added a helpful new feature that enables you to add your voice to objects in Seesaw activities. It is different from the previous, and still available, voice recording tool. The new voice recording feature allows you to record explanations of shapes, images, and objects in a Seesaw activity and have those explanations directly connected to the shapes, images, and objects. Your students will see a little audio icon right next to any object to which you’ve add your voice explanation. Watch my short video to see how the new voice recording feature works. 

Applications for Education

This new voice recording feature in Seesaw could be great for adding explanations of objects and images in Seesaw activities. For example, it could be a great way for an art teacher to explain elements of lighting in photograph. The new voice feature could also be useful for creating audio prompts that your students respond to. For example, I might add my voice to a historical photograph of Main Street in my town and ask students to respond with what they notice what’s the same and what’s different from how Main Street looks today.

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