That Quiz is an online quiz application that was shown to me by an awesome middle school teacher, my girlfriend. is a great place to write quizzes and find quizzes that your students can use. is kind of like a wiki of quizzes because teachers can share with others the quizzes that they have written. does more than just provide quizzes for teachers. Students can take the quizzes online and get instant feedback. Teachers can use to track the results of quizzes their students take. started out as a resource just for math quizzes, but is now expanded to include vocabulary and geography quizzes.
Applications for Education can be used by anyone visiting the website, but registered teachers and students can take advantage of a wealth of extra, free, utilities. allows registered teachers to create quizzes and share quizzes. Teachers can use quizzes as assessment tools or as practice activities for students. Once a teacher and his/her students are registered the teacher can assign specific quizzes to each student. The students then take the quiz online and the results are available instantly to the teacher and the student. Teachers can assign a time limit for taking a quiz and can limit the number of attempts on each quiz. is a great study tool and skill practice for students because students can take as many unassigned practice quizzes as they like, get feedback, and correct their mistakes. See the image below for the type of feedback students see after taking a quiz.