Write With – Improved Collaborative Word Processing

Write With takes the cloud computing functionality of Google Docs then adds improved collaborator communication. What makes Write With different from Google Docs is the layout of the user interface and the communication features. Write With does all of the things that an online word processor should, things like importing and exporting documents and being able to invite others to work with you.

Write With allows you to communicate with others without having to change screens or exit from your document. Write With displays your document on the right hand side of the screen and on the left side of the screen a list of people with whom you’re collaborating is displayed. This layout allows you to send a message to your collaborators while editing your document. You can send a task reminder, ask your collaborators a question, and see the latest revisions all without ever closing your document.

The video below demonstrates Write With in action.

Applications for Education
Write With could be a good tool for teachers that teach writing in an online environment. The ability to communicate with a student while having the document in front of both of you could make the editing and revising process more fluid than it would be if you had to toggle between two screens.


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