Get Students Involved in Government Through Twitter

One of the great things about living in this digitally connected age is that information and news is so readily available. The Internet also makes it much easier and faster to communicate with just about anyone. (See old high school friends connecting through Facebook after 20 years for an example). Combine the ease of information finding with the ease of communication and it was only a matter of time before Tweet Congress was developed.

Tweet Congress is a registry of members of the US Congress that are on Twitter. Whether or not it’s the actual Congressman/ woman or their PR office that uses the account is debatable, but none-the-less Tweet Congress makes government more accessible to the citizenry. If you’re not sure who your representative is, enter your zip code in the finder and Tweet Congress will tell you.

Not to leave out my friends in the UK, Tweet Minister is the UK version of Tweet Congress.

Applications for Education
Tweet Congress and Tweet Minister could be engaging tools for your students to use to track what their representatives in government are saying. Depending on how responsive your representative (or their office staff) is, both services could be used by students to ask questions of their representatives.


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