Amusement Parks Physics – Design a Roller Coaster

Amusement Park Physics is an interactive lesson produced by In Amusement Park Physics students explore how a roller coaster works and how wood and steel can alter the ride. At the end of the roller coaster section students can design their own roller coaster and have it evaluated for safety and fun. (My design was rejected as unsafe and not fun).

In addition to exploring the workings of roller coasters students can explore the workings of carousels, bumper cars, pendulums, and free fall rides.

Applications for Education
Amusement Park Physics could be a good way to introduce students to physics. In years past my school used to take physics students on a field trip to an amusement park as a fun, educational, end-of-year trip. Amusement Parks Physics would have been a good resource for those students to explore before or after their trip.

Here are some related resources that may be of interest to you:
Physics Games for Your Blog or Website
This is Phun – Physics Simulator
Physics 4 Kids


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