Edublog Awards – Thank You

Last night the winners of the 2009 Edublog Awards were announced. Free Technology for Teachers won in two categories; Best Resource Sharing Blog and Best Individual Blog. Thank you to everyone that nominated me and voted for me.

I was very happy to see that two people I nominated, Karl Fisch and Steven Anderson, won last night. Karl Fisch won the Lifetime Achievement Award. Karl is the original creator of the “Did You Know?” (Shift Happens) presentations that have been seen by millions of educators world wide. “Did You Know?” is now into its fourth official remix. If you haven’t seen any of the “Did You Know?” videos watch this one now. Steven Anderson won for Best Individual Tweeter. Steven is a great person to follow on Twitter as he always has something interesting to share.

Kevin Hodgson has compiled the full list of winners from each category, please check it out as you may discover a new-to-you blog. Any of the blogs that were on the short list of nominees is well worth giving a visit and or subscribing to. I subscribe to a lot of them myself.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!