How to Add Pages to Blogger Blogs

As I shared yesterday, I’ve recently started adding stand-alone pages to Free Technology for Teachers. I’m using them on here to share some of the most popular tutorials and resources that I’ve posted over the last couple of years. The screen captures below will show you the steps to creating and publishing pages in Blogger.

Step 1 (click to enlarge)

Step 2 (click to enlarge)

Step 3 (click to enlarge)

Step 4 (click to enlarge)

Applications for Education
I’ve been on the road this week, but when I get back home I plan to start moving many of the resources on my classroom blog into pages for easier navigation by my students. When completed my students will no longer have to search the archives for older resources because as I teach US History I’ll be organizing my pages by era in US History. If you teach another subject you can use the same concept to organize resources by unit or theme.


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