Google for Teachers II – Free 33 Page Guide

Back in March I published Google for Teachers. Since then it has been viewed more than 50,000 times. As much as that guide had in it, it didn’t cover everything that Google offers to teachers. Therefore, I am releasing Google for Teachers II. This guide is designed to introduce and walk teachers through using Google Sites, Google Custom Search, Google Alerts, Google Bookmarks, Google Groups, and Google Calendar.

As always, this guide can be downloaded for free through DocStoc as well as through Yudu. To download it you do have to register with those services. I apologize for the inconvenience that might cause some of you, but it’s the best way for me to track how many times it gets downloaded.

View the guide in Yudu format below.

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View the guide in DocStoc format below.

Google for Teachers II

If you enjoyed Google for Teachers II, please take a look at my other free guides which are available here.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!