iMovie Quickstart Guide from Story Chasers

Wesley Fryer, executive director of Story Chasers Inc and all-around great guy, has recently published a quickstart guide for using iMovie. The four page guide can be downloaded from Wes Fryer’s blog, from Story Chasers, or from Scribd. The guide contains everything you need to know to get started and to publish your first video using iMovie.

Quickstart Guide to iMovie ’09

Applications for Education
Wesley Fryer has graciously given permission to reuse the guide for your own professional development workshops provided that you give proper attribution to Story Chasers for the work. If your staff and students have access to iMovie and you’re looking for a good reference to distribute to get them started making videos, this guide might be just what you need.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Free 33 Page Guide – Google for Teachers
Making Videos on the Web
How to Use YouTube’s New Video Editor


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