3 Midterm Election Resources for Students

Tomorrow, voters will go to the polls in cities and towns across the country. If you’re planning to have discussions with your students about the midterm elections, here are three resources that may be of interest to you.

CNN Student News has a short segment today about the importance of the midterm elections. The segment appears about half-way through the video below.

Elect.io is an election resource that I learned about from Larry Ferlazzo. Electi.io provides information about candidates on the ballots this fall. Enter your zip code and Elect.io will generate a list of the candidates in your area and the offices for which they’re competing.

I mentioned Vote Easy early last month, but it’s worth sharing again. Vote Easy is an interactive map designed to help voters identify the Congressional candidate that most closely aligned with their views on a selection of twelve issues. Answer each question then specify how important that issue is to you. Based on those responses Vote Easy will indicate which candidate in your Congressional district is most closely aligned to your views.


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