Google Apps Now Has 10 Times More Features!

And now for something Google Apps for Education users have been waiting for… Blogger can now be integrated into Google Apps for Education! In fact, as they announced last night, nearly all of Google’s tools can now be integrated into your Google Apps for Education account. This means that if there is a Google tool that you want the users in your Google Apps for Education domain to use, you can add it in.

As with existing Google Apps services, administrators of  Google Apps for Education domains can give access to a service to a subset of users and or restrict access to particular service for a subset of users. Existing Google Apps for Education users can begin adding services now (you need to have administrative rights to the domain) or wait for the transition to happen automatically over the next couple of months. New Google Apps for Education domains will be set-up in the new style. Learn more about this in the video below.

Applications for Education
I’m particularly excited about the integration if Blogger into Google Apps for Education. This means that students in Google Apps for Education schools, can now blog without having to create an additional account. Picassa Web Albums can now be added to your Google Apps for Education domain. This could be used by students or teachers to create albums of public domain and Creative Commons images that can be reused in multimedia projects. Schools could integrate Google Groups to create school message boards.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Google for Teachers
Twenty Google Tools Tutorials for Teachers
Google for Teachers II


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