What’s in the Super Book of Web Tools for Educators?

In my excitement over releasing The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators I left out posting a table of contents separate from the document. Here’s a quick overview of what’s inside and who wrote what:

  • Introduction:                            pages 2-3    George Couros 
  • An Administrator’s View:       pages 4-7     Patrick Larkin
  • Elementary School:                 pages 8-25   Kelly Tenkely
  • Middle School:                       pages 26-35  Adam Bellow
  • High School:                           pages 36-42  Richard Byrne
  • ESL/ELL:                               pages 43-46  Larry Ferlazzo
  • Teaching Online:                    pages 47-50  Cory Plough
  • Connect Via Skype:                pages 51-61  Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano
  • Elementary School Blogging: pages 62-65  Lee Kolbert
  • Alternative Ed Tech:               pages 66-68  Beth Still
  • Social Media for Educators:    pages 69-71  Steven Anderson
Thank you for all of the positive feedback we’ve all received in the first 24 hours since The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators was released. Please share it, print it, and use it to betterment of your classrooms and schools. And feel free to contact the contributors for with comments and questions, we’re here to help. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!