Digital Storytelling with iPads

Last week Apple released the second generation of iPads. I was very pleased to see that they included a camera in this generation (something they should have done initially, but didn’t because then they couldn’t market based on perceived obsolescence).To me the inclusion of a camera (two actually) makes the iPad a slightly better investment than it was before. The cameras make the iPad better suited to becoming viable tools for creating digital stories. If your school has invested in iPads or is planning to invest in iPads, take a look at Digital Storytelling with the iPad.

Digital Storytelling with the iPad is a site created by six Apple Distinguished Educators. The site offers a good list and descriptions of free and paid apps that you can use to create digital stories on the iPad. You will also find on the site some app tutorials and links to general digital storytelling resources.

Applications for Education
Although I still think schools should put money into 1:1 laptop programs before 1:1 iPad programs, I do think that the new generation of iPad has more potential than the first. If you’re school is investing in iPads for student use, sites like Digital Storytelling with the iPad and IEAR (reviews of educational apps) should be a part of your resource lists.

Thanks to Steven Anderson for Tweeting the link to this resource.


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