Weekend Guests Wanted

I frequently receive inquiries from folks who would like to write guest posts on Free Technology for Teachers. For the most part I always say no (there have been a few occasions when I’ve invited people to be guest writers). However, for the last couple of months I’ve been thinking that it would be nice to have some guest writers share their experiences using free technology in their schools and classrooms. Therefore, I am now looking for some guest writers. Because narrative posts about classroom uses of technology tend to be much longer than what I typically write during the week, guest writers’ posts will appear on the weekend when more people have more time to read longer posts.

What I’m looking for in guest writers.
Classroom teachers, school librarians, and school administrators (principals, assistant principals, technology coordinators) who would like to share their stories of using free technology in their schools.

What you can get out of being a guest writer.

  • You keep all rights to your writing and can cross-post onto your own blog if you like. You can include a short bio of yourself with links to your blog, site, or Twitter account.
  • The satisfaction of sharing and helping other educators.
  • People that have guest posted on Free Technology for Teachers in the past have reported significant upswings in traffic to their own blogs, sites, and Twitter accounts after guest posting here. If you’re into building an audience for your writing, the traffic from guest posting here can help you toward that goal.
  • While I cannot pay you, if we connect at a conference I’ll be likely to buy you a coffee, tea, or your drink of choice.  

What if I’m not an educator, can I still be a guest writer?
The short answer, unless you make a really really compelling case, is no. I’m interested in educators sharing with educators. While you may be building the slickest iPhone app in the history of the world, if you’ve never been in a classroom you’re not likely to convince me that you know what educators do on a daily basis.

I’m interested in being a guest writer, what do I do now?

  • Send me an email at weekendguest (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com. Tell me briefly what you do and what you would like to write about. 
  • I’ll reply to your email as quickly as I can. Bear in mind, the last time I asked for guest writers (February 2010) I had more than 100 people reply in 48 hours so it might take me a couple of days to get back to you. 
  • I will try to accept as many guest writers as I can without sacrificing quality of content or overloading the weekend with lengthy posts. For the first few weekends I’m thinking about running two guest posts on Saturday and Sunday. If readers respond positively to the guest posts and if there are enough people who want to guest post, I will increase that number to four per day on the weekends.

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!