My 2012 Spring & Summer So Far

Sure it’s getting colder and snowier everyday in my neighborhood, but I’m already planning for spring and summer 2012. I’ve had the good fortune to already be invited to facilitate a number of workshops this summer. Some of those are with schools and others are events open to public registration. If you’re looking for a workshop facilitator for your school or conference, please visit my work with me page or contact me directly at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com.

Spring 2012 events open for public registration:
Ed Tech Teacher Leading Change in Changing Times – March 3
NCTIES – March 7-9
Teacher 2 Teacher – March 22-23
ASCD Annual Conference – March 24-26
(I’m actually attending ASCD as a member of the “press” and not speaking there).
Be on the look-out for some public webinars that I’m conducting for the University of Maryland Baltimore County this spring. I’ll post more information about those soon.

Summer 2012 public events that are now open for registration:
Teaching History With Technology – June 27-29
The Best Web 2.0 Tools & Apps for Teachers – July 16-18
Curriculum 21 / The LEAD 21 Academy – July 10-14
Teaching History With Technology – July 30 – August 1

 If you’re looking for a workshop facilitator for your school or conference, please visit my work with me page or contact me directly at richardbyrne (at) freetech4teachers (dot) com


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!