Get the Math – Multimedia Algebra Challenges

Get the Math is a super website designed to provide teachers and students with Algebra-based mathematics challenges. Get the Math tries to put the challenges in the context of the  “real world” scenarios of fashion design, video game design, and music production.

Get the Math features short videos of professionals in each of the three areas explaining and showing how mathematics is used in their professions. After watching the videos students try to complete a series of challenges based upon the work done in the professions of fashion design, video game design, and music production. For example, after watching the Math in Fashion video students have to design a shirt to match a specific price point.

The video below is an introduction to using Get the Math in your classroom.

Watch Get the Math: An Intro on PBS. See more from THIRTEEN Kids.

Applications for Education
Get the Math could be a good resource for Algebra teachers to introduce some contextual challenges to their students.


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