Harnu is an interesting new site that my friend Beth Still shared with me yesterday. The purpose of Harnu is to enable you to discover news, videos, music and connect with people all over the world.
To discover news, videos, and music sign-in to Harnu, select a media type, then select a country. Harnu will then give you a list of news stories, videos, or music from your chosen country.
To connect with people all over the world sign-in to Harnu, select “send message,” select the location to which you want to send a message, then write and send your message. People from that location can see you message and reply to you. And you can use Harnu to select location, find people sending messages from those countries then reply to them.
Applications for Education
Harnu has the potential to be a good way to find teachers in other parts of the world and connect with them for globally collaborative classroom projects. Or you could just use Harnu to find news stories coming out of the countries that your students are studying.