Create Trading Cards for Historical and Fictional Characters – The Web Version

Yesterday, I wrote a post about Read Write Think’s Trading Cards iPad App. That post got reTweeted like crazy and this morning I had a couple of people ask if there is a version of the app that can be used on a computer. The answer to that question is yes.

Read Write Think’s Trading Card Creator on the web offers the same creation features that are found in the iPad app. This morning I used the web version of the Trading Card Creator to create an Abraham Lincoln trading card. To create the card I found a public domain image of Lincoln, uploaded it to the template provided by RWT, and completed the fields that asked for information about Lincoln’s life. When my card was completed I was able to download it to my computer. I could have also emailed it to myself or to a friend.

Applications for Education
Just like with the iPad app students can use the RWT Trading Card Creator on the Web to create a set of trading cards about characters in a novel, to create a
set of cards about people of historical significance, or to create
cards about places that they’re studying in their geography lessons. If your classroom has a mix of iPads and computers all students can complete the same assignment because the app and the web version offer the same creation features.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!