8 Overlooked Useful YouTube Tools

When most people think about YouTube they think sharing videos and or about all of the videos they can discover. Most people don’t think about the useful editing tools that are built into YouTube. The YouTube video editor has some useful features for teachers and students.

1. Create photo slideshows. The YouTube photo slideshow creation tools allow you to specify the length of time that each image is displayed for. After uploading your images you can use the annotations tool to add as much text as you like to each frame of your video. Directions for creating a YouTube photo slideshow are available here.

2. Create slow-motion videos. The most recent addition to the YouTube editing tools is an option to record videos with a regular speed camera and then turn that into a slow-motion video. Directions for doing this are available here.

3. Use annotations to create a linked series of videos (or choose your own adventure videos). Directions for doing this are available here.

4. Blurring faces in your videos. Directions are available here.

5. Stabilizing shaky footage and adding color/ light filters to your videos.

Click to enlarge

6. Add captions to your videos.

Click to enlarge

7. Add a music track to your video. 

Click to enlarge

8. Hide your video from public search results.Under the privacy settings select “unlisted” or “private.”

Click to enlarge.


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