A Complete Guide to Using Blogger In School – 81 Page Free PDF

Since 2006 I have used Blogger for many blogging projects including this blog and many classroom blogs. Over the years I’ve introduced many teachers to blogging through Blogger. Blogger is easy to use and flexible enough to support you when you’re ready to start using some advanced blogging strategies. I’ve covered the basics of Blogger and blogging in various blog posts over the years. This week I finally put all of those posts together with a series of annotated screenshots in one cohesive package, A Complete Guide to Using Blogger In School.

A Complete Guide to Using Blogger In School covers everything from blogging terminology to blogging activities to the nuts and bolts of using Blogger. You’ll learn where to find media to use in blog posts, how to use media in blog posts, and get ideas for media-based blog posts. You’ll also learn how to set-up your blog for multiple authors and how to manage comments.

A Complete Guide to Using Blogger In School is embedded below. (The file is hosted on Box.com, if you cannot see the document embedded below make sure that your filter isn’t blocking Box.net. You may also need to be using Chrome or a recent version of Firefox, Safari, or IE as outdated browsers may not support the Box viewer).

I’m going to allow downloading the guide for the rest of the month. Downloads should be for personal, non-commercial use. Please do not redistribute it, including for workshops / faculty training, without my permission. I’ve used Box.net to host the file (81 page pdf). Box does not put advertising on the page while still allowing me to track downloads.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!