Be Darwin for a Day With New Google Street View Imagery

The latest update to Google Maps Street View imagery features the Galapagos Islands. The imagery can take you underwater to view fish and sea turtles, to beaches to see sea lions sunbathing, and along mangrove-lined shorelines. The imagery also lets you see inside the research facilities on the Galapagos Islands. You can explore all of the imagery on the Google Maps Views website.

Applications for Education
Consider combining your students’ exploration of the Galapagos Islands Street View imagery with Darwin, A Naturalist’s Voyage. Darwin, A Naturalist’s Voyage is an outstanding virtual tour of Charles Darwin’s nearly five year journey on the Beagle. Darwin, A Naturalist’s Voyage has fourteen segments chronicling Darwin’s voyage from start to finish. Throughout the tour viewers will see sketches from the journey, hear readings from Darwin’s journals, and learn about the journey as a whole. The virtual tour is not limited to just Darwin’s work as a naturalist. Darwin, A Naturalist’s Voyage explores social issues of the time such as slavery.


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