America’s Credit History and a Credit Card Debt Story

Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a friend of mine when somehow our conversation turned to the topic of credit cards. She wondered when credit cards became so prevalent in the U.S. I knew that I had seen a video about the history of credit cards at one point. This morning I found it. Here’s America’s Credit History produced by CBS News.

Earlier this month I shared a couple of videos to educate students about credit card debt. Here is another one to share with high school and college students.

Applications for Education

America’s Credit History could be a good resource to use as part of lesson on the U.S. economy.
The student’s credit card debt story is a good cautionary tale for students. One of the first challenges that new college students encounter is the temptation to register for credit cards offered to students. Unfortunately, a lot of students don’t understand just how quickly they can rack-up huge debts with these credit cards. Education can be the best prevention when it comes to debt.


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