Daniel Russell’s Ten Favorite Search Challenges (Today)

Many times over the last few years I have mentioned how Daniel Russell’s work has influenced the way that I use Google Search and how I teach others to use it. In fact, his work prompted me to start teaching others how to craft search challenge activities for students (example 1, example 2). This morning on Google+ Daniel Russell posted the slides of his ten favorite search challenges. As he noted in his Google+ post, these are his favorite challenges today and tomorrow they could be different.

Applications for Education
What I love about the search challenges Daniel Russell shares is that they force students to go beyond the basic Google search tools and to really think about their search strategies. The last slide in the slidedeck contains ten things to think about when you are trying to solve a search challenge.

If you haven’t seen in before you also may want to take a look at my PDF, Ten Techniques to Make Yourself A Google Search Star.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!