Create a Wall of Thanks on Padlet

This afternoon on a webinar sponsored by Pearson I spoke about using backchannels in the classroom. Padlet was one of the tools that I featured in the webinar. Padlet is a great little tool for quickly gathering comments from students in response to prompts that you give to them. As I thought about (American) Thanksgiving this evening I developed a few ideas for incorporating Padlet into a Thanksgiving activity for elementary school students.

1. Create a Padlet wall for your students on which they can share what they are thankful for this year.

2. Let students create drawings of what Thanksgiving means to them then take pictures of those drawings to post on your Padlet wall.

3. Use Padlet as a KWL chart on which students share what they know about the origins of Thanksgiving and what they would like to know more about.

In the video below I demonstrate how to create a Padlet wall to use in your classroom.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!