A Great Place to Find Lesson Plan Ideas

Disclosure: TARA is currently an advertiser on FreeTech4Teachers.com.

Earlier this week I published a lengthy piece about a new tool called TARA and how it can help you save time this fall. My favorite of all the features in TARA is the strategy resource bank that is available to any teacher who wants to use it. In the strategy resource bank you’ll find dozens of teaching strategies accompanied by free handouts to use in your classroom. 

In this short video I provide a demonstration of how to use TARA’s strategy resource bank

Applications for Education

The resource bank is obviously a good resource for new teachers but it shouldn’t be overlooked by experienced teachers. When you feel like you’re stuck in a rut or your “old reliable” lesson plan isn’t clicking with kids anymore, browse through TARA’s resource bank for some inspiration for a new strategy to try.


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