Last week Flubaroo added new options for sending grades to students and new options for printing grade reports. This week Flubaroo added a new option for grading extra credit questions and a new option for giving partial credit on questions.
Now when you’re setting your grading scale in Flubaroo you can choose to mark questions as extra credit. Extra credit is not enabled by default. To utilize the extra credit option you must first enable it in Flubaroo’s advanced menu. Complete directions can be found here.
Awarding partial credit for answers is now available in Flubaroo. The partial credit option only works when you’re grading responses on questions formatted with the check box option found in Google Forms. Formatting a question with the check box option allows you to create a question in which students can respond by selecting multiple answer choices. With the partial credit option you can award points if students pick only one of two or three correct choices. A complete set of directions for using the partial credit option can be found here.