Last week I posted a Google Form in which I asked readers of Free Technology for Teachers to vote for their favorite ed tech tools. At midnight last night I closed the survey and Google Forms compiled the results for me. Below are the tools that were the most popular in each category.
Video creation:
iMovie for iPad (free with new iPads) won by a slight margin over Animoto and WeVideo.
Audio creation/ editing:
SoundCloud came out on top. That one surprised me a bit. It is also interesting to note that this is the category that received the fewest overall votes.
Creative Commons/ Public Domain Image Sources:
Flickr – The Commons took 26% of the votes while Photos for Class and Pixabay took 20% and 18% of the votes respectively.
Digital Portfolios:
Google Sites took this category in a landslide with 37% of the votes. The closest competitors were SeeSaw and Weebly which had a combined 36% of the votes.
Blog/ Website platform:
Blogger took this category with Google Sites and Weebly not too far behind.
Quiz / Formative Assessment Tools:
It wasn’t much of a surprise to me that Kahoot was the top vote getter in this category. Everywhere I go people rave about how much they love Kahoot.
Teacher-Parent-Student Communication Apps:
Remind had nearly 50% of the votes and crushed the competition in this category.
Other/ Write-ins:
This was a space for folks to suggest tools that might not have fit in another category. In this section HSTRY was written more than any other tool. The comments in the form spoke to the versatility of HSTRY as folks wrote about using it as an assessment tool, a portfolio tool, and as a timeline tool.
The complete spreadsheet of results is available here.