Another Tool for Detecting Writing Created by AI

Artificial Intelligence was the theme of February in the educational technology world. That theme is continuing as we begin the month of March. On that note, I’ve found another new tool designed to try to detect writing generated with AI tools like ChatGPT. 

Crossplag AI Content Detector is a free tool that you can use to try to determine whether or not an AI tool was used to generate a passage of text. Like other AI detection tools, Crossplag AI Content Detector is easy to use. To use it you simply paste a block of text into the content detector and it will give a rating of likelihood that AI was used to create that text. Watch my short video below to see how it works. 

Video – Another Tool for Detecting Writing Created by AI

Applications for Education

Just like all of the other AI content detection tools that have popped-up over the last six weeks, this one isn’t perfect. That said, it’s worth noting that these tools exist. Use these tools to start conversations with your students about responsible use of AI tools like ChatGPT, Moon Beam, and other AI writing tools.


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