Warm-up Activities for Group Brainstorming Sessions

Last week I published a blog post about tools for recording brainstorming sessions. That ended up being one of the most popular things I’ve published this month. 

Writing that post reminded me of a set of brainstorming warm-up activities designed by Ethos3. Ethos3 is a presentation design company that has worked with some of the biggest name brands in the world. The Ethos3 Slideshare channel is a good place to get some inspiration and tips for designing your own slideshows. One of those slideshows is Wake Up Brain! In the slideshow you’ll find five warm-up activities that can be done at the start of almost any brainstorming session.

Applications for Education
Whether you’re brainstorming with colleagues to craft a new mission statement for your school or you’re brainstorming creative story ideas with your middle school students, the warm-up activities in this slideshow can help you get the ball rolling.


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