Eight Tutorials for Getting Started With Microsoft Forms

This post was inspired by a former colleague of mine who reached out to me for some help as she transitions from a school that uses Google Workspace to one that uses Microsoft Office 365. Specifically, she was concerned about losing access to Google Forms and whether or not she could use Microsoft Forms for the same purposes. Fortunately, the answer is that you can do just about all of the same things with Microsoft Forms as you can with Google Forms. 

If you find yourself using Microsoft Forms for the first time or you just want a refresher on what’s possible with Microsoft Forms, the following tutorials are for you. 

How to Create a Self-grading Quiz in Microsoft Forms

How to Create a Timed Quiz in Microsoft Forms

How to Convert Word Documents and PDFs Into Microsoft Forms

How to Use Branching Logic in Microsoft Forms

How to Use Videos in Microsoft Forms Quizzes

How to Include Videos in Microsoft Forms Response Feedback

How to Use Microsoft Forms to Collect Files

How to Quickly Sort Microsoft Forms Responses by Completion Time


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