Best of 2022 – A Calendar of SEL Activities

As I do at this time every year, I’m taking the week off to ski and play with my kids, shovel snow, and generally not think about work. I have some of the most popular posts of the year scheduled to republish this week. New posts will resume in the new year.

Last month I wrote a blog post about a new app and website called Kikori that provides hundreds of free social emotional learning activities that you can do with students of all ages. One of the things that they offer to help you incorporate social emotional learning activities into your classroom is a monthly calendar of SEL activities. This month Kikori’s free SEL calendar is arranged around the theme of Earth Month. 

Within the larger context of Earth Month on each weekday of Kikori’s SEL calendar you will find a themed activity. For example, today’s activity is Mindful Monday Scents of Knowledge. Kikori’s SEL calendar is hyperlinked so that you can click on any of the days of the month and go directly to the direction for the activity of that day. 

Kikori is available to use in your web browser, as a free iOS app, and as a free Android app. Watch my short video below for any overview of Kikori and the SEL calendar. 


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!