A Webinar (or Workshop) and an eBook for Your School

Last December I published the first edition of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips. When I did that I made the offer of hosting a free webinar for any school or group that purchases ten or more copies. So far I’ve had a handful of people take me up on that offer. That offer is still good and I’d be happy to host a webinar for your school. And now I’m going to extend the offer a bit further. 

For the rest of this school year (2022 through May 31, 2023) any school, conference, or library that hires me for an in-person workshop or in-person keynote will given copies of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips for all attendees. 
About the eBook

50 Tech Tuesday Tips was curated from more than 400 editions of The Practical Ed Tech Newsletter. In 50 Tech Tuesday Tips you will find ideas for lots of helpful things that you can teach to your colleagues and to students. Throughout the eBook you’ll find tutorials and handouts that you can pass along in your school. 

Some of the many things you’ll find in 50 Tech Tuesday Tips include:

  • What to do when a web app isn’t working as you expect.
  • Building your own search engine.
  • How to create green screen videos.
  • Improving instructional videos. 
  • Streamlining email management.
  • Creating educational games. 
  • DIY app creation.
  • Podcasting tips for teachers and students. 

Get your copy of 50 Tech Tuesday Tips right here!


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!