How to Make Whiteboard Videos in Microsoft Flip

Last week’s most popular post was Getting Started With Microsoft Flip. To start this week let’s look at doing a little more than just a basic selfie video in Microsoft Flip. An additional way to use Microsoft Flip is to create whiteboard style videos. 

When you open the recording tool in Microsoft Flip press record and then open the options menu you’ll find lots of tools for enhancing your videos. It’s there that you’ll also find an option for a whiteboard. You can use that virtual whiteboard when recording a video as a topic prompt and or when replying to a topic. 

Watch the following video to learn how to record a whiteboard video in Microsoft Flip

Applications for Education

You can use Microsoft Flip’s whiteboard video tools to create an instructional video for your students to watch. But having students make videos can be a great way to learn what they know about a topic and how they think about a topic. Here’s a list of 25 topics for students to create whiteboard videos about.


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