ClassroomQ – A Neat Way to Keep Track of Who Asks for Help

ClassroomQ is a neat tool that solves a problem that anyone who has ever had a classroom full of students working on individual or small group projects at the same time has experienced. That problem is feeling like every student is asking for something at once and you’re not sure who asked for help first or how long they’ve been waiting for help. 

To use ClassroomQ simply sign up for a free teacher account. Once in your ClassroomQ account just click the start button to launch your session. When your ClassroomQ session is launched you will be given a class code and a unique link to share with your students. Students then simply click that link to join the session. Students see an “assistance needed” button that they can click to indicate that they need your help. They can also add a little comment to indicate how you can help them. In short, ClassroomQ is a bit like a digital deli counter for your classroom. 
Watch my short video that is embedded below to see how ClassroomQ works from a teacher’s perspective and from a student’s perspective. 

Applications for Education
One of the features of ClassroomQ that I didn’t mention above or in the video is the option to export a record of which students asked for help and the comments that they wrote. Reviewing that record could be helpful in identifying which students ask for help the most and which questions or topics are frequently raised by your students. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!