Spot the Differences – Another Founder’s Day Lesson

As I mentioned in a blog post yesterday, I’m spending today helping with one of our community’s Founder’s Day events. The event that I’m helping with is the car show. I’m doing it because I’m friends with care-taker of the collection and because it gives me a chance to look at the cars up close. One of the cars that will be on display today is the 1942 Cadillac that is in the featured picture of this blog post. 

The car isn’t just any 1942 Cadillac. It has some features that make it different from any other Cadillac produced in the 1942 model year. If you’re looking for a little research challenge for the weekend, see if you can figure what makes this car so unique. (A larger picture is included below). 

If you think you’ve figured it out, please let me know. If you’d like help, send me an email and I’ll give you some hints. And if you’d like to use this picture as part of your own research lesson, please feel free to do so (just credit me for the picture). 

At the end of this month I’m hosting a webinar about teaching search strategies to students. Activities like this one will be included in the webinar. You can learn more and register for the webinar here


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!