How to Work While Going to School

Last month I started watching a new Crash Course series called How to College. The series is a great one for students who are first generation college students and or those who just don’t have anyone to seek out for advice about things like paying for college and picking a major. The latest video in the How to College series is titled How to Work in College

Watching How to Work in College took me back to my days of loading trucks at RPS (now known as FedEx Ground) at night and in the early mornings to pay for my college education. I was fortunate that RPS put an extra 50 cents per hour into a tuition reimbursement fund that I used every semester to pay for my textbooks (they were a lot cheaper 20-something years ago). It’s little perks like that and the networking opportunities that can come out of working in college that How to Work in College does a good job of explaining in the video. 

How to Work in College also does a good job of trying to help viewers understand the importance of scheduling their time and it provides some tips for blocking distractions when it is time to focus on school work. 

For more information about how to pay for college beyond working a part-time job, students should watch Crash Course’s How to Pay for College.


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