Five Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers

After seeing my browser in one of my tutorial videos or one of my presentations, people often ask me about the extensions that I have installed. Here are five Chrome extensions that teachers should try.

1. Nimbus screenshot – I use this to create annotated screenshots. It can also be used to make screencast videos, but I only use it for that when I’m working on a Chromebook because I prefer to use Screencast-o-matic for my desktop screencast videos.

2. Screencastify – Screencastify is great for creating screencast videos. The feature that keeps it in my web browser though is the option to add must-answer questions into your screencasts

3. Mote – I like using Mote to add voice comments to Google Docs and Slides. Here’s a demo of how it works

4. Google Keep – This has been my preferred bookmarking and note-taking tool for many years.

5. OneNote Web Clipper – I use OneNote’s web clipper whenever I want to save a clean, clutter-free copy of a webpage.


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