A New Way to Find Registration-free Tools

No-Signup Tools is a new site that features exactly what its name implies, web tools that you can use for free without having to sign-up for an account. You can browse through No-Signup Tools alphabetically, by ranking, or by category. Browsing the categories is probably the best way to use No-Signup Tools. 

The No-Signup Tools categories of interest to readers of this blog will probably be teaching, writing, and productivity. It was in those categories that I found helpful tools like Math Homework Generator, Egg Timer, and saw an old favorite called Hemingway App

Here’s a demo of Hemingway App

Applications for Education

Web tools that don’t require registration or other personal information can be great for students who don’t have email addresses and they can be great for those of us who just don’t want to give our email addresses to yet another website.

No-Signup Tools is good, but it isn’t specific to education. For a similar resource that was specifically created with teachers and students in mind, take a look at Nathan Hall’s list of No Registration Needed Tools.


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