Try Choice Eliminator Lite for Removing Choices from Google Forms

Twice in the last 24 hours I’ve been asked about options for removing choices from Google Forms as they get used up. The tool that I used to recommend was Choice Eliminator (the original and version 2). It seems that add-on has been removed from the Google Workspace Marketplace. Fortunately, Choice Eliminator Lite is still available to use in Google Forms. 

Choice Eliminator Lite doesn’t have as many features as the original version, but it does remove options from Google Forms questions as they get selected. In this short video I demonstrate how to use Choice Eliminator Lite in Google Forms. 

Applications for Education

Choice Eliminator Lite can be useful when you have a list of options for students to pick from, but you only want one student to pick each option. For example, this can be useful in signing up for meeting times or for making sure your classroom party doesn’t end up with twenty trays of cookies and no milk to wash them down.


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