Getting Started With Google Slides – The Basics and More

This week I’m releasing a series of videos intended to help new Google Workspace users. Yesterday, I published videos on getting started with Google Drive and Google Docs. Today’s videos are all about Google Slides. 

Google Slides for Beginners shows viewers eight key aspects of Google Slides that they need to know. Those aspects are outlined below:

➡Three ways to access Google Slides
➡How to alter slide layouts.
➡How to add and edit images
➡How to add and edit videos
➡How to add and edit audio
➡Using speaker notes
➡Adding captions to presentations
➡How to publish slides

Once you’ve learned the basics of using Google Slides you’ll probably want to know more about how to use it. That’s why I created Ten Things You Need to Know About Using Video in Google Slides and Five Things You Need to Know About Using Audio in Google Slides. Both videos are embedded below.


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