New Microsoft Teams Features for 2021

When it comes to learning about the latest features of Microsoft Teams there is no one better to follow than Mike Tholfsen. I’ve mentioned him a lot over the last couple of years. But for those who aren’t familiar with him, Mike is the product manager for Microsoft Education. Last spring he started publishing a lot of tutorial videos for teachers. His latest video provides a run-down of eleven new features of Microsoft Teams for 2021. If you’re a Microsoft Teams user, this video is for you. One of the things that I appreciate about this video and all of Mike’s videos is that he explains use cases for the features. He also mentions which users may or may not have access to the various features.


Featured in the video:

  • 5 minute warning for the Teams Meetings.
  • New background options in Together Mode
  • Putting Teams apps into their own window
  • Changes to Teams video and call icons. 
  • Creating a Team directly from a SharePoint Site
  • Updated SharePoint tab app 
  • Updated SharePoint Pages tab app 
  • Teams mobile Meet Now for chat.
  • Updated iOS Meet app
  • Teams family and friends desktop and web app

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