How to Add an Announcement Banner to Google Sites

The “new version” of Google Sites that was released in 2016 is finally the only version that is available. And now Google seems intent on making Sites competitive with some of the more popular DIY website builders. To that end, a lot of handy little features have been added to Google Sites over the last eighteen months. One of those features is the ability to add a sticky announcement banner at the top of the pages in your Google Site. 

An announcement banner offers a good way to draw attention to something important that you don’t want your students or their parents to miss when they visit your Google Site. This could be a reminder to return some paperwork, a reminder about an upcoming test, or anything else that you want to make sure they see when they visit your site. You can have an announcement banner appear on every page on your Google Site or on just the homepage of your site. In the following video I demonstrate how to add an announcement banner to your Google Site. 


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