For My Fellow Runners and Bikers…

As some of you know I’m an avid cyclist (6300 miles last year) and occasional runner (mostly when I’ve lost my mind). I keep track of all of my activities in Strava. The other day I was on my bike when I got the idea to create a Strava club for teachers who are interested in giving kudos to each other for running, cycling, or exercising in some form. So that’s what I did. I created a public Strava club simply titled Teachers on Strava. It’s a public club so anyone can join. 

What’s Strava?
I’m glad that you asked. Strava is an app for recording your fitness activities including cycling, running, hiking, swimming, yoga, and many other fitness activities. Strava also has a social networking component in which you can give “kudos” to your friends for completing an activity. You can also share pictures of your activities if you wish. There are other elements to it, but the basics are recording activities and giving kudos to your friends. 

The Teachers on Strava club
I don’t have any plans for it other than being a place where teachers can connect with other teachers who also like to run, bike, swim, and generally exercise. School administrators, you’re also welcome to join. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!